
Make a donation.

Like anything else, running this retreat center isn’t free. So we would love for you to partner with us financially by making a tax-deductible donation as we seek to help people refresh through intentional time in a quiet place.

Any undesignated donation will go into our general fund. Any resources in that fund will be used at our discretion, but will primarily be used to make improvements to the physical property as well as increase the affordability of our retreat offerings.

In addition to our general fund, you can also make your tax-deductible donation specifically toward our Building Fund to help with maintenance and building projects or our Sponsorship Fund to help fund stays for those who might otherwise not be able to stay.

At this time we don’t have the ability for you to designate funds when you donate, but if you email us at donate@hmretreats.org you can let us know to designate your donation in one of those directions!

Feel free to contact us if you would like to donate something non-monetary (vehicle, equipment, livestock, etc).